Privacy Policy
This statement sets out the basis on which the Society of Model & Experimental Engineers (the “Society”) collects and processes data on the website and the linked membership administration website, collectively referred to as the “Website”.
Use of this website constitutes acceptance by you of this Privacy Policy. If you do not wish to accept this Privacy Policy, please leave this website immediately.
The Privacy Policy only governs the use of data by the Website. Any other sites to which the Website may be linked are not covered by this Privacy Policy.
The Society complies with the General Data Protection Regulation. The Society is the data controller and sole owner of the personal data collected on the Website.
When you access the Website the Society may collect details of your visit including but not limited to traffic data, location data and the resources that you use. Further if you contact the Society either through the Website or by other means we may keep a record of that correspondence.
Data relating to members of the Society
The Society retains and processes personal data relating to members of the Society in order to carry out administrative tasks including the collection of subscriptions and the circulation of the Journals and other documents. Data is also maintained to enable the Society to provide a secure members’ only area of the Website.
As required under the General Data Protection Regulation the following information is provided:
Members personal data
Member records are maintained for the Society by the Membership Secretary who can be contacted at or by writing to Marshall House, 28 Wanless Road, London, SE24 0HW.
Agreement to provide and allow retention of personal data is part of the contract of joining the Society. The data will only be retained during the member’s period of membership and for up to eighteen months thereafter.
The only personal data held is that provided by each member. A member may request at any time that their data be amended. This can be done directly by members by on-line access to their record or by contacting the Membership Secretary. A member or ex-member may also request all their data be removed from all the Society’s data systems by completing the form on the Website or by writing to the Society’s Secretary at Marshall House, 28 Wanless Road, London SE24 0HW. The data will be removed within one month of the receipt of the notice and at that data the person will cease to be a member of the Society.
Officers of the Society
Members who voluntarily agree to become officers of the Society may need to disclose additional information to comply with the requirements of Companies House, the Society’s bank, PayPal, solicitors and other organisations and advisers used by the Society. As necessary for the business of the Society this information may be shared with them.
The website is maintained for the Society by the Webmaster who can be contacted at or by writing to Marshall House, 28 Wanless Road, London, SE24 0HW. The public pages of are open to all searching the internet who accept this policy. The members’ only area is only accessible by members. In order to maintain security of access to the members’ only area, the website has a record, separate from the member records above, of each member’s name, e-mail address and record number. Members can choose to agree to this information being kept in the database (and hence have access to the members’ area) or opt out in which event they will not have access to the members’ area. Members may opt out at any time by notifying the Membership Secretary. Data is retained for up to eighteen months after the member ceases to have access to the members’ area.
Minutes of Meetings
Minutes of General Meetings including the Annual General Meeting, together with Council Meetings, all of which may contain names of members, are kept indefinitely.
Published Membership List
Each year the Society circulates a membership list to members in both paper and electronic form which is generated from the member records. Each member has an individual choice as to whether to be included in this list and which items of data (postal address, e-mail address, telephone number) are included.
Whilst this list is intended to be only for the use of members and should not be shared by them with other individuals or organisations, this is out of the control of the Society.
It is the responsibility of each member assess whether the publication of his or her data is appropriate and to what extent it presents a personal security risk.
Any member who does not want their details included on this list should notify the Membership Secretary accordingly.
Sharing of data
The Society does not share any personal data with third parties (other than as described above) whether within the UK or overseas and will not do so unless required under UK law.
Latest News
- 1st March 2025 Software Powered Gadgets by Dr Stewart Bryant has been added to General Meetings
- SMEE Digital Group - recordings available
- Calendar - To accommodate changes in availabilty of speakers, there are a number of changes and updates in the Calendar.
- Latest copy of The Journal (February 2025) now available
- Latest General Meeting (11th January 2025) now on website