Engine Builders’ Group
Welcome to the Engine Builders Group. The purpose of the group is to encourage informal networking and knowledge sharing amongst SMEE members who are interested in understanding and making engines of all types. This includes making tooling, researching ideas, developing methods for production and experiments in design and performance improvement. If it hums, hisses, bangs, or pops we seem to have someone in the group who is interested!
Talks by members and occasional guest speakers about their research, efforts and ideas are popular and are shared live on-line and, where possible, at Marshall House. Most of these meetings are recorded and are available online via a link on the EBG members webpage. We usually have time after a talk for discussion and this also provides an opportunity for members to show their progress with their own projects (and sometimes, problems!) as ‘Work on the Table”. All members of SMEE are invited.
Informal ‘Tea Rooms’ are also held on-line and there is a useful WhatsApp group. Both offer opportunities to natter and share ideas and problems.
The use of Zoom as the on-line tool is making meetings far more accessible, drawing in an audience from all round the UK and wider afield. Our chairman is based in Slovenia, and we have regular participants from the US, Canada, Switzerland, and South Africa.
Latest News
- 1st March 2025 Software Powered Gadgets by Dr Stewart Bryant has been added to General Meetings
- SMEE Digital Group - recordings available
- Calendar - To accommodate changes in availabilty of speakers, there are a number of changes and updates in the Calendar.
- Latest copy of The Journal (February 2025) now available
- Latest General Meeting (11th January 2025) now on website