Why Join Us
The most important benefit of joining the Society of Model & Experimental Engineers is that it brings you into contact with people having similar interests. It is always possible to contact someone with prior or perhaps greater experience of a particular subject who can help you solve a problem or achieve a goal. Membership is both national and international so unlike local societies, the range of potential contacts is extremely wide. Most members are individuals who enjoy “chewing the fat” with like-minded souls whether face-to-face at meetings, outings or exhibitions, or by telephone, e-mail or by correspondence in The Journal.
The Society encourages such activities. Members’ contact details are included in the Members’ Directory, though individuals have the right to opt out of inclusion. Meetings of small groups of members interested in a particular topic are encouraged.
There is also the pleasure and satisfaction to be gained from joining in and passing on your own knowledge and experience to others. At each meeting at Marshall House the display of members’ work in progress is reviewed and gives members the option to discuss their work. There are also opportunities to join SMEE training courses as an instructor on a particular subject, or to give a talk to members on a specific topic. The SMEE web-site has a members only section containing information the members interest groups, where like-minded members meet to exchange information and encourage others, on group projects being run as well as opportunities for shared learning. The Journal editor is always ready to publish members’ articles.
Published six times a year, the SMEE Journal provides a means of contacting a large number of people when seeking advice or guidance, or writing on a particular subject. Please see The Journal for more details and a back issue.
Facilities at the Marshall House are available to all members. Access to the workshops and library, as well as attendance at lectures often makes travel to headquarters worthwhile.
The Society participates in major model engineering exhibitions throughout the country, thus providing a chance for those who cannot get to Marshall House to meet and display their work. These exhibitions also provide opportunities for members to have their work judged for inclusion in the Society’s annual competition. Entries for the annual competition are judged against a fixed standard for the award of certificates and medals. The award of a Society medal may enhance the market value of a model and augments the original purpose which is to recognise an individual’s efforts. The additional award of one of the Society trophies is the only competitive element of Society activities.
Membership of the Society entitles participants to reduced charges on the general training courses. From time to time courses are run that are restricted to members; for example practical “hands-on” tool grinding, safety training, etc.
SMEE is probably the oldest model engineering Society, and has had some of the best known and admired model engineers among its membership, but above all else it is a Society for anyone with an interest in model and experimental engineering – whatever their level of expertise.
Latest News
- 1st March 2025 Software Powered Gadgets by Dr Stewart Bryant has been added to General Meetings
- SMEE Digital Group - recordings available
- Calendar - To accommodate changes in availabilty of speakers, there are a number of changes and updates in the Calendar.
- Latest copy of The Journal (February 2025) now available
- Latest General Meeting (11th January 2025) now on website