This is a one day course run once a year which is aimed at model engineers seeking information on the milling machine and milling techniques. The subjects covered described are equally valid for milling in the lathe and the course aims to improve both confidence and safety in using a milling machine.
The course covers the following topics:-
The Vertical Milling Machine:
Includes the different sizes of machine, features of each, what points to bear in mind when choosing a machine and initial setting-up.
Milling Operations:
Provides information on the more usual operations such as facing, contouring, grooving and slotting, as well as referencing other operations e.g. rounding and gear cutting.
Cutting Tools:
What materials they are made from, coatings and how to use them.
Tool Holding:
Use of collets, the various types of collet and why not to use the drill chuck!
Work-Holding on the Table:
Covers cutting forces and the use of clamps, slots in the table, parallels and fences and stops.
Work-Holding in the Vice:
How to set-up the vice on the table, and the rights and wrongs of holding material in the vice.
Work-Holding in the Rotary Devices:
Rotary tables and dividing heads, including how to mount them to the table of the milling machine and different types of rotary table.
Speeds, Feeds & Fluids: Covers cutter speeds, rates of feed, backlash and use of cutting fluid.
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- Latest copy of The Journal (February 2025) now available
- Latest General Meeting (11th January 2025) now on website